With the router, you can connect far more devices than the number of passengers in a bus. Even a railway coach has fewer seats than there are CAR-A-WAN IP addresses. The bottleneck is, as always, the bandwidth: in our experience, 120 users can surf normally with three modems (our Trio variant), with the exception of intensive use such as films or downloading software.
The passwords are not found here or in the documentation for security reasons. However, you can ask for them by sending an e-mail to support@IPmotion.de; please provide us with your serial number (v4: 29xxxx, v6: 1xxxxxx). For routers of the v6 series (.coach/.112) please scan the "my CAR-A-WAN QR-Code" with a QR-Code-Reader or your smartphone camera.
Several modems can be online simultaneously and are utilised by the users like high-availability Internet access. Dead zones are thus a thing of the past.
Yes, we expressly recommend this at least for Germany. The reason for this lies in the history of private mobile telephony. The regulatory authority (now the Federal Network Agency) for telecommunications and postal services initially prohibited D1-Telekom and D2-Mannesmann (now Vodafone) from sharing radio masts. Therefore the networks still do not cover exactly the same areas and the best reception is only possible with both large networks, whereby O2 can be helpful in metropolitan areas. But please check for yourself whether there is not a similar situation in your country; the popularity of our CAR-A-WAN router is due not least to this very ability: to compensate for radio holes with other mobile radio providers that are also not optimally supplied.