All CAR-A-WANs can receive a new software from v3 "over the air, OTA" if available. However, the FACTORY SETTING is set to MANUAL and not to automatic.
The manual process requires that, via a web browser (delivery value) Click here to proceed to administration > Update Firmware
search for a new software, the available version is displayed for control and only then can the software be downloaded and installed by the CAR-A-WAN after confirmation.
The process takes about 5 minutes at 3G and LTE, at EDGE about 20 minutes. The software update is approx. 30 MByte in size. Do not disconnect the router from the power supply during this time.
Attention: The new URL after the update is: or http://router.admin
User: admin
Password: Please ask for the new default password at support.
If you have changed the previous default password, it will be retained with the update. Only unmodified default passwords are changed.
As of software version 1.00.02180 (v4) and 1.00.02590 (v6), CAR-A-WAN can automatically request and automatically install the updates on the update servers every 10 minutes after activation of the update.
All CAR-A-WANs are delivered with remote maintenance capability by IPmotion (unless the customer explicitly does not want this when ordering). We will gladly take over the management of the router for you and can make settings and, of course, install updates in coordination with you.