It's a well-known fact: Before boarding busses or trains a valid ticket is required. Whether it's purchased at the booking office or the ticket vending machine, it's either valid for a certain section or duration. But what to do if you spontaneously feel like getting on the next bus availabale and don't know yet when you will be getting off again. Do you pay a surcharge in advance or will you buy en route?
You are able to benefit from the free WiFi your transport company is providing as soon as you check in with the CiBo application on your smartphone. This is equal to the validation of a traditional ticket. The novelty is the fact that you need not determine in advance how far you are going to travel. CiBo does that for you in the aftermath. As soon as you get off your means of transportation CiBo registers your checkout and submits your travel data to the transport company's database. See for yourself: CIBO Ticketing
The CiBo application directly informs you after finishing your way of the costs it has produced. Changes and connections on the same day, respectively in the same month are being automatically recognized and considered in your monthly bill. The best tariffs for your rides are chosen by default. Thus you are never going to pay more than with conventional tickets. The system's real-time computing allows complete flexibility within and between different transport associations and their varying charging models. This is both satisfactory in the customers' interest as well as useful from the companies' point of view. The potential measurement of vehicles' occupancy rates apart from peak times leads to flexible and convenient tariff systems. Maybe your ride can be offered cheaper!
A revolution requires fellow campaigners. We were able to win swiss:smart:media, xTreme Software, Swiss Post, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland as well as Mobility Lab Sion as our partners. In the Swiss canton of Valais PostBus Ltd provides its coaches as test vehicles. In Germany, IPmotion cooperates with the public transport company MIT.BUS in the city of Gießen.